Lapis Lazuli, a metamorphic rock (formed under high pressure), is more than just a stone. It's a symbol of wisdom, power, and truth, with a rich history that spans across centuries and civilizations. Its deep blue colour, reminiscent of a starry night sky, and its unique healing properties have made it a favourite among gem enthusiasts and holistic healers alike.

Lapis Lazuli Benefits and Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli, a metamorphic rock (formed under high pressure), is more than just a stone. It's a symbol of wisdom, power, and truth, with a rich history that spans across centuries and civilizations. Its deep blue colour, reminiscent of a starry night sky, and its unique healing properties have made it a favourite among gem enthusiasts and holistic healers alike.

From ancient Egyptian pharaohs to mediaeval European artists, Lapis Lazuli has been revered and utilised in various forms throughout history. Its vibrant blue colour and golden specks have not only made it a symbol of the heavens in art but also a sought-after gem in jewellery. Today, the allure of Lapis Lazuli continues to captivate us, making it a timeless gem in every sense of the word.

The Origin and History of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli, a vibrant blue stone, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. This metamorphic rock, known for its intense blue hue, was first discovered in Afghanistan's mountains. The stone's deep blue colour and golden specks, reminiscent of a starry night, quickly caught the attention of ancient civilizations.

The Egyptians, for instance, were particularly fond of the Lazuli stone. They believed it to be a symbol of royalty and honour, gods and power, spirit and vision. It was a universal symbol of wisdom and truth. The stone was used in various forms, from decorative items to burial ornaments for the pharaohs.

In the Middle Ages, Lapis Lazuli was ground into powder and used to create the finest and most expensive of all blue pigments: ultramarine. This pigment was reserved for depicting the robes of Angels and the Virgin Mary, further cementing the stone's spiritual and religious significance.

The history of Lapis Lazuli is not just confined to the East. The stone made its way to Europe during the Middle Ages, where it was used by artists and painters. Its vibrant blue colour was considered a symbol of the heavens and was often used in religious art.

The aesthetic appeal of Lapis Lazuli is undeniable. Its deep blue colour is reminiscent of the night sky, evoking a sense of mystery and allure. This makes it a popular choice for jewellery and decorative items. We use lapis lazuli in our necklaces, bracelets, and amulets. It’s a great item to wear if you are in need of harmony, or want to tap into your intuition. 

The colour of Lapis Lazuli is not its only attractive feature. The stone's texture adds to its charm. It has a smooth, almost velvety feel to it, which is pleasing to the touch.

The stone's lustre, or the way it reflects light, is another aspect of its aesthetic appeal. When polished, Lapis Lazuli has a beautiful, almost glass-like shine.

The Science Behind the Lapis Lazuli Benefits

The metaphysical properties of Lapis Lazuli are as intriguing as they are profound. This gemstone, with its deep celestial blue, has been revered for its mystical attributes for centuries.

  • Lapis Lazuli is a complex mineral, rich in lazurite, which gives it its distinctive colour. This mineral composition is believed to resonate with certain energy frequencies, contributing to its metaphysical properties.
  • Lapis Lazuli is often associated with truth and enlightenment. It is said to stimulate the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness. This is why it's often used in meditation and spiritual practices.
  • Lapis Lazuli is also known for its protective properties. It is believed to shield the wearer from negative energies, creating a sanctuary of serenity and peace.

The metaphysical properties of Lapis Lazuli extend to emotional healing as well. It is said to help release repressed emotions, promoting emotional honesty and self-awareness.

While the science behind the lapis lazuli benefits is fascinating, it's the personal experience and connection with the stone that truly matters. 

The Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli

The healing properties of Lapis Lazuli are a topic of great interest in the world of gemmology and alternative medicine. This stone, with its deep blue hue, is not just a visual delight but also a potent healing tool.

The science behind the Lapis Lazuli benefits is fascinating. It's believed that the stone's healing property is linked to its mineral composition. Lapis Lazuli is rich in lazurite, a mineral that's known for its calming effects.

This calming effect is said to help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and tranquillity. It's also believed to aid in the relief of physical ailments such as migraines and headaches, thanks to its soothing properties.

The Lazuli healing property extends to the emotional realm as well. It's thought to help in healing emotional wounds and fostering emotional growth.

The stone's healing property is also said to stimulate creativity and clarity of thought, making it a favourite among artists and intellectuals.

The Energetic and Spiritual Properties of Lapis Lazuli

The energetic and spiritual properties of Lapis Lazuli are deeply intertwined with its vibrant blue hue and historical significance. This gemstone, often associated with wisdom, truth, and enlightenment, is believed to activate the third eye chakra, facilitating deep intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.

Lapis Lazuli is not just a stone; it's a spiritual guide that aids in self-discovery and transformation. It's a beacon of inner vision and self-awareness, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and access higher realms of consciousness. This connection is not superficial; it's a profound bond that aligns an individual's physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, creating a sense of balance and harmony.

The stone's energetic properties are believed to encourage self-reflection, truth-seeking, and the pursuit of wisdom. It's like a spiritual mentor, guiding you towards enlightenment and self-realisation. It's not just about seeking guidance from higher realms; it's about expanding one's consciousness and deepening spiritual practices.

In addition to its energetic and spiritual properties, Lapis Lazuli is also associated with physical healing. It's like a holistic healer, supporting the immune system, alleviating migraines, and assisting in the healing of throat and thyroid-related ailments.

While the science behind the lapis lazuli benefits is still being explored, the stone's energetic and spiritual properties continue to captivate those seeking balance, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It's a testament to the enduring allure of Lapis Lazuli, a gemstone that transcends the physical realm to touch the spiritual and energetic core of our being.

Lapis Lazuli and Chakras: A Powerful Association

Lapis Lazuli, a gemstone of celestial blue, has a profound connection with our chakras, particularly the third eye chakra. This association is not merely based on its colour resonance but also its inherent properties that align with the chakra's purpose.

Lapis Lazuli and the Third Eye Chakra

Lapis Lazuli has long been associated with the Third Eye Chakra. This chakra, located between the eyebrows, is the centre of intuition and foresight. It's the gateway to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.

The Third Eye Chakra is often visualised as a deep indigo blue, mirroring the colour of Lapis Lazuli. This synchronicity is no coincidence. The stone's energy resonates with the frequency of the Third Eye, enhancing its function and opening the door to inner vision.

The Third Eye Chakra governs our ability to see beyond the physical world. It's our link to the intuitive, the psychic, and the mystical. Lapis Lazuli, with its deep connection to this chakra, can help us tap into these realms. It's a stone that bridges the gap between the physical and the spiritual, the known and the unknown.

Boosting Intuition with Lapis Lazuli

The connection between Lapis Lazuli and intuition is not a new concept. It has been revered for centuries as a stone of wisdom and truth, aiding in the development of insights and understanding.

When used in meditation or spiritual practices, Lapis Lazuli is said to stimulate the higher mind, encouraging clarity and objectivity. It's like a cosmic GPS, guiding you on your spiritual journey.

Intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. And with Lapis Lazuli by your side, you're sure to strengthen your intuitive prowess.

Harnessing the Healing Power of Lapis Lazuli

Whether you're seeking emotional balance or a deeper connection to your spiritual self, Lapis Lazuli can serve as a powerful tool. Its healing properties are not just limited to the realm of emotions, but also extend to the spiritual plane, making it a versatile gemstone for holistic healing.

Lapis Lazuli for Emotional Healing and Personal Growth

The emotional healing property of Lapis Lazuli is one of its most celebrated attributes. This stone is known to release stress, bringing deep peace and serenity to its bearer. It encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression, and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion, and morality to the personality.

Lapis Lazuli is also a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding, aiding the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory, making it a valuable tool for personal growth.

The lazuli healing property is not just limited to emotional healing, but it also extends to personal growth. It encourages taking charge of life. It reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness, and allows self-expression without holding back or compromising.

Enhancing Spiritual Growth with Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory and encourages clarity of thought. It is also known for its ability to connect the physical and celestial realms, making it a key tool for spiritual growth.

The lazuli healing property is not just limited to spiritual growth. It also helps in enhancing intellectual ability, making one more focused and composed. It is a stone that promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, making it a perfect companion for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and self-improvement.

Caring for Your Lapis Lazuli

To maintain its intense blue colour and healing properties, lapis lazuli requires a certain amount of care. 

  • One popular method is smoke cleansing. This involves burning sage, copal or any other resin or dried leaf and passing your stone through the smoke. The smoke is believed to clear away any negative energy.
  • Another method is using sound. You can use a singing bowl or a tuning fork. The vibrations from the sound are said to shake off any unwanted energy.
  • One of the best ways to clean your lapis is by covering it with rock salt and keeping it overnight.
  • Charging your Lapis Lazuli is the next step. This is about re-energizing the stone. After you have cleaned it, leave it out in the sun and/or the moonlight (or both) to recharge it.

It's important to cleanse and charge your Lapis Lazuli regularly. This ensures that it's always at its best, ready to provide you with its healing properties.

Identifying Genuine Lapis Lazuli

Identifying genuine Lapis Lazuli can be a daunting task, especially with the influx of imitations in the market. 

Firstly, genuine Lapis Lazuli has an intense blue colour. This deep blue hue is often speckled with golden flecks of pyrite, giving it a starry night sky appearance. If the stone lacks these characteristics, it's likely not authentic.

Secondly, the presence of calcite and pyrite is a good indicator of authenticity. Calcite appears as white streaks, while pyrite is gold. If these minerals are absent, you might be dealing with a counterfeit.

Thirdly, the weight of the stone can also be a giveaway. Genuine Lapis Lazuli is dense and heavy for its size. If the stone feels light, it might be a synthetic or a dyed imitation.

Embracing the Power of Lapis Lazuli

The power of Lapis Lazuli is undeniable. It’s not just a feast for the eyes, but a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual awakening. The stone's healing properties, coupled with its ability to boost intuition and enhance communication, make it a valuable asset in any crystal grid or spiritual practice.

Whether you're seeking to clear emotional blockages, enhance your psychic abilities, or simply bask in the stone's vibrant blue energy, Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone that promises transformation.

Remember, the journey to inner peace and wisdom is a personal one. Let the Lapis Lazuli be your guide, illuminating your path with its intense blue light and profound healing properties. Embrace the power of this metamorphic rock, and let it lead you towards a future of enhanced intuition, clear communication, and profound personal growth.

To experience the transformative power of Lapis Lazuli first-hand, explore our curated collection at Atlas Accessories. Each piece is crafted to support your spiritual journey, helping you unlock your full potential. Begin your path to personal growth today—shop now and let Lapis Lazuli be the catalyst for your inner transformation and let the world experience the real you.